Privacy Policy

Agio Publishing is committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the security of any personal information received from you. The following statement is intended to explain to you what personal information we collect and how we may use it. Personal information can include your name, address, email addresses, billing information and click through activity.

Collecting and using personal information: Each time a visitor uses Agio Publishing, we collect some basic technical information, such as the visitor's domain name. We also count, track and aggregate visitor activity to allow effective analysis of general traffic flows on our site. When you register to use our service or place an order for books, we need to know your address and billing details. This allows us to process and fulfil your order. You have the option to withhold personal information that is not required for the order process.

We do not disclose your individual identity or personally identifiable data without your permission. Nor do we sell, rent or exchange your personal details with any third party for any reason beyond the essential requirement for credit/debit card validation during purchase and the delivery of your book. To give an example, we need to supply our delivery service companies with your address so your books can be delivered to you. Another example would be providing your contact information for publicity purposes to book reviewers, journalists and producers – although we'd only be doing this because you'd contracted us to provide marketing services.

In common with most Web sites, we use a technology called 'Cookies' as part of our normal business procedure in order to track patterns of behaviour of visitors to our site. A Cookie is a small amount of data that our Website sends your browser which is then stored on your system. You can set your browser to prevent this happening but this might lead to the loss of usability of our service.

Third party sites: There are a number of links to other sites on the Agio Publishing site. We cannot control and are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other Websites. We do not share information about you with other sites.

Improving our service: In order to continuously improve the service we offer to writers and customers, Agio Publishing will periodically conduct voluntary surveys of users and visitors on various aspects of our service. Such information may be compiled and shared in the aggregate with third parties, but only with the complete anonymity of our users where no personal details will be traceable or associated with specific individuals.

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