About the Co-authors

The co-authors of Virginia Satir's Evolving Legacy are experienced practitioners, trainers, and/or personal growth coaches of Satir's Model, covering diverse areas of practice. Their decision to write collaboratively came from a desire to highlight both Satir's attention to the body, energy and spirit and the relevance of her teaching for these modern times. The co-authors are (as shown above, from left to right): Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller, Leona Flammand Gallant, Julie Gerhardt, Mary Leslie, Anastacia Lundholm, Jennifer Nagel and Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt. The three elders had close contact and training for many years with Virginia Satir before her death in 1988. Together the co-authors have over 200 years as students, trainers and practitioners of Satir's Model.

Virginia Satir's Evolving Legacy

World-renowned family therapist Virginia Satir (1916-1988) creatively integrated the body, mind and spirit in her therapy and teaching, moving beyond the prevailing theories of her time. The body is central to this collaborative text by seven contemporary practitioners and trainers who integrate Satir's life-affirming teachings in diverse ways.

Through personal stories and case studies, the authors share how the body is included in family therapy, trauma therapy, perinatal and infant therapy, dance and movement therapy, therapeutic applications of meditation, interactive sculpting and bodymind approaches to personal growth.

This whole person approach integrates the importance of the therapists' attention to the self of the client and therapist, congruence of actions and words, elements of pacing and observation of nonverbal cues in therapy, while engaging clients as full participants in the highly interactive therapeutic process.

Satir anticipated current energy and body-focused therapies. The evolution of her work is integrative and ongoing, as her teachings are being taught globally today.

Co-author Leona Flamand Gallant reminds us: "[Satir's] messages are like a living cell in each of us who connected with her. Her message keeps expanding and renewing itself. It doesn't stand still."

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  • "An amazing achievement and a great addition to the literature related to the work of Virginia Satir."
    -- Sharon Loeschen, LCSW
    Author of four books on the work of Satir and the Satir Coaching & Mentoring Program Past President of the Virginia Satir Global Network

  • "Each chapter is an outstanding presentation of how a therapist or practitioner can achieve an integrative approach applying bodymind interventions when working with individuals, couples and families."
    -- Dr. John Banmen, RPsych
    Co-author, The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond
    Chairman/President, Banmen Satir China Management Centre

  • "A must-read for any therapist, as it provides a perspective for widening the lens and to incorporate soma, spirit and family and, thereby, provide an holistic healing therapy."
    -- Erik Peper, PhD
    Professor, Institute for Holistic Health Studies, San Francisco State University
    Coauthor of TechStress

  • "Truly amazing and a must-read for therapists seeking to deepen their understanding of Satir's model and harness the power of the bodymind connection in their practice."
    -- Michael Argumaniz-Hardin, PhD
    Director of Training for the Virginia Satir Global Network
    Professor of Marriage & Family Therapy, Fuller Theological Seminary

  • "Brilliantly portrays Virgina Satir's understanding of the use of body as an integral part of personal healing. I believe that healing can take place when we connect with our mind, body and spirit. Every word has a spirit, connection is the key."
    -- Grace Elliott Neilson. My native names are: Tiyuqtunaat Wulwisulwut

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