About the Author

Nova Bannatyne-Eng
Nova was born with cerebral palsy in Kimberley, BC in 1956. Currently she lives in Surrey, BC with her cat, Oliver. Her husband Ray Eng died in 2007. Her grown children - daughter Jamie and son Jackson - live close by, and Nova is a loving grandma to Jamie's son, Andrew.

Nova worked for the Centre for Child Development in Surrey, BC until 2013. She has spoken to school children and other special interest groups about the challenges of living with cerebral palsy, and she plans to expand her role as a presenter and advocate in the future.

About The Book

Just Think, I Could Have Been Normal: Growing up extraordinary with cerebral palsy

Just Think, I Could Have Been Normal is Nova Bannatyne-Eng's poignant story about growing up with cerebral palsy and, in particular, her challenges and triumphs. Nova was one of the first students with a significant disability to be integrated into, and graduate from, public school in British Columbia. Nova fought for acceptance, and countless others followed in her footsteps.

"I want you to meet a brave young woman - we don't normally run up against people who have got the kind of guts and the courage and the charm and obviously the talent of the Nova Bannatynes of this world."
- Jack Webster, featuring Nova on his City Mike radio show, CJRO Vancouver, in 1977

"Nova gives insight into what people with disabilities want and need - the same as everyone else, to be respected, appreciated and loved. She also helps readers realize much of the solution has to come from within."
- Ellen Baglot, one of Nova's first teachers, forever a friend

"Knowing Nova has been life-shaping for me as I have pursued a career based on seeing the able in disabled, thanks to her courageous and inspirational example. Nova is the bravest person I have ever known."
- Lorri Taylor, Special Education teacher, Vancouver Children's Hospital

Read an Excerpt

Download this PDF sampler of the book.

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  • You are Invited to Nova's Book Launch!
    SATURDAY, APRIL 16 FROM 10:30 AM TO 12:00 PM
    Guilford Public Library
    15105 - 105 Avenue Surrey, BC V3R 7G8

Join Us to Celebrate the Release of:
Just Think, I Could Have Been Normal
There will be coffee (or tea) and cake, a few speeches, some spoken excerpts and a Q&A session with Nova! Nova will have copies of her book available to purchase. If you cannot attend, her book is available in print and as an ebook - See links above.

Nova is still raising funds to help promote and market her book (which she hopes will one day be made into a movie); you can still donate to her cause at https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/e10xE5
-- hosted by Nova's Cousin George

To arrange an interview with the author, please contact Nova directly at novabannatyne@gmail.com.

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