About the Author

Nadine Mercey
Nadine Mercey is a high vibrational healer.

She grew up in Brantford, Ontario, and confesses to having never done well at formal education. "My mind just didn't work like other people's." Looking back, she recognizes signs of mild autism in her behavior.

For twenty years, Nadine worked in real estate, rising to become one of Canada's top realtors. Her success came from an uncanny ability to intuitively understand the needs and motivations of buyers and sellers. Her awakening to the extent of her intuitive capabilities came from selling a haunted house -- one that had been featured in her dreams since childhood.

Soon she was experiencing great vibrational development -- and receiving messages in her mind from voices who identified themselves as angels. She is guided and protected by the Gabrielle Collective and other energies.

Nadine conducts readings, often at great distances, during which she communicates with the client's spirit guide(s) and/or angel(s). These entities provide instruction about what is required to raise the person's vibration, in order to restore balance to soul, mind and body.

Generally energy flows into the person's body as Nadine visualizes areas that need help. Healing happens through creative visualization, and only when intended for the highest and best interest -- to help that person progress toward his or her predetermined life purpose.

Blessed with extraordinarily high vibration, Nadine devotes a portion of her practice to healing other intuitives and to making people aware of their own intuitive capabilities. She is a medical intuitive, who has helped doctors identify illnesses in their patients.

Nadine is a dynamic presenter at seminars, and has been the subject of a documentary film. Discussions are underway about hosting a television show. She is also developing her own line of healing products.

Nadine lives in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada with her two teenaged sons, Eric and Jaxon. She loves to dance and laugh. And she does own way too many shoes. Her website is at www.NadineMercey.com

About The Book

Imagine a top producing real estate salesperson, single mom, bad relationships with men, unhealthy, self-styled dumb blonde... who awakens to her destiny of healing bodies, minds and souls. Meet Nadine Mercey, high vibrational healer. This is her personal story. Reading it will change yours. Her mission is raising awareness about the potential in all of us to boost our personal vibration so we can be healthy, in loving relationships, and laughing often and out loud. lol

In case you don't know the abbreviations used when sending text messages, I'd better explain that lol means laughing out loud, which we all really need to do as often as possible.
-- with love, Nadine

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Local author unlocks the secrets of high vibrational healing -- Spiritual technique can complement conventional medicine
By Mike Pearson, Stoney Creek News Staff, Dec 05, 2008

She's not a doctor, a nurse or a pharmacist. But Nadine Mercey has been helping people overcome physical, emotional and psychological pain for years.

Ms. Mercey is a high-vibrational healer. Also known as spiritual healing, high vibrational healing aims to increase the body's positive energy vibrations, helping the brain create cells that rejuvenate the body and reduce pain.

Less than a year ago, Ms. Mercey had a successful career in real estate. She was listed among the top three per cent of sales in Canada, while healing people in her spare time. Ms. Mercey always had an uncanny ability to sense the underlying motivations of buyers and sellers. Then she began to hear angel voices. Gradually, her awareness grew and she learned to channel her abilities into healing others. She gave up real estate to focus on healing people, full time.

While only a select few are believed to have Ms. Mercey's healing powers -- she's listed among the world's best -- Ms. Mercey also believes the average person can access the benefits of vibrational healing. Healing can often come through a repeated, positive action when people do things they enjoy, like walking, knitting or cooking.

Ms. Mercey offers an inside look into her career in her new book: Deeper Souls, Less Shoes: An Owner's Manual for the Soul. The book examines the power of high vibrational healing and the people who have benefitted from Ms. Mercey's extraordinary abilities.

READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE AT http://www.stoneycreeknews.com/news/article/154476.



"Nadine's healing is amazing. Pro and amateur athletes will gain new awareness and better health by reading her new book."
-- Peter Zezel, NHL hockey legend and coach

"Nadine Mercy is the most powerful healer that I know and will astonish even her most ardent skeptic. This profound book is a must read!"
-- renown psychic medium Karyn Reece (as seen on Lifetime Channel, TLC and Discovery Channel)

"Deeper Souls, Less Shoes is a fascinating and breezy narrative. At first I felt like a voyeur, but soon I realized this book was all about me, too! Nadine's tale gives me permission to fully embrace the many odd occurrences that fall into my life daily and to expect that these occurrences or clues, will fit together to create a picture, MY LIFE, larger, more fulfilling and powerful than I can currently imagine. After reading Nadine's book I am filled with confidence to look, and guess what... it's there. Thank you, sister!"
-- Linda Schaumleffel, Olympic athlete and brain fitness expert


  • Nadine Mercey held a book signing at the Ancaster Chapters at 737 Golf Links Rd., Ancaster, Ontario, on Saturday, Dec. 13. People were lined up well before the announced 2 pm start, and almost one hundred copies were snapped up. Here's what the store manager emailed to Nadine after the event:
    "Hi Nadine, Just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for the great event on Saturday. Although I anticipated it to be a great success, and it was, I was thrilled to observe the excitement and energy of the people who were here. We received wonderful feedback about you and your book.
    "I was so pleased to have people coming into the store an hour before you were scheduled to arrive and waiting for you, as well as all the phone calls that poured into the store before your arrival. You bring a wonderful energy everywhere you go and your book has obviously been transformational for many of the readers.
    "I have no doubt that your book is going to do very well. I know I cannot wait to read it.
    "I am so glad to have met you and look forward to getiing to know you more.
    "Best Regards -- Sabaina Malik"
  • please see www.NadineMercey.com

To arrange to interview the author, please contact us or go to www.NadineMercey.com.

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