About the Author

JOSEPH ELIEZER is a psychotherapist, based in Vancouver, BC, who practises a unique form of therapy, called Intuition-Enhanced Psychotherapy. Joseph combines his highly developed innate intuitive abilities with his counselling and psychotherapy training to help his clients gain insight into their unique circumstances and find solutions to many of life's puzzles.

You are invited to visit Joseph's website -- www.1111SpiritRoad.com

About The Book

SIMPLY SPIRIT: A Personal Guide to Spiritual Clarity, One Insight at a Time (Words By Joseph - Book One)
SIMPLY SPIRIT is the first book in the Words by Joseph series and is a compendium of original quotes, dealing with diverse subjects organized in chapters such as Intuition, Relationships and Sexuality, Fear, Money and Success, Illusion and Clarity among others. This easy-to-read guide to Spiritual clarity offers insights into often confusing and perplexing life situations to help readers advance on their spiritual journeys.

Written in laymen's terms, thought-provoking and deeply impactful, SIMPLY SPIRIT also invites readers to reflect on their own core beliefs thus allowing them to arrive at their own conclusions and insights with certainty and clarity that will enhance their connection to themselves and the world around them.


Please read more at Joseph's website at www.1111SpiritRoad.com

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Thought-provoking, loving and non-judgmental ... Joseph's book strengthens the "inner being" and builds confidence in your personal intuition ... an "immortal" book that I will reflect upon often.
-- Jivi Khehra, TV Host of Winds of Change with Jivi

Joseph writes simply and straight from the soul, challenging and beckoning without preaching or patronizing. ...[SIMPLY SPIRIT] will reveal new layers of meaning with each fresh read, encouraging us to look deeply into ourselves and explore our inner process and our soul's journey.
-- Mahalia Eliah, Spiritual Emergence Service

Just when I thought I had seen it all, read it all and heard it all in the realm of spiritual literature, I came across SIMPLY SPIRIT by Joseph Eliezer. Unapologetic and edgy, yet deeply comforting and inspiring, this book jolted me into a whole new level of consciousness. I love it here.
-- Liora Steiman, MD, MEd in Couns. Psych., Therapist


To arrange an interview with the author, please contact Joseph directly at joseph@1111spiritroad.com.

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